Christmas Gin is an inviting blend that combines the classic botanicals of gin with the seasonal warmth of star anise, cloves, and cinnamon. Its golden hue, accented with a beautiful shimmer from the glitter dust, offers an enchanting and tastefully crafted option for festive occasions.
Christmas Gin, with its golden color and sparkling glitter dust, presents a visually captivating appearance, reminiscent of a festive holiday evening.
The aroma of Christmas Gin is an intriguing blend of star anise, cinnamon, and the distinct botanicals of gin. This combination creates a warm and inviting scent, where the spiciness of the star anise and cinnamon is nicely balanced with the herbal qualities of the gin.
Upon tasting, the cocktail reveals a delightful interplay of flavors. The star anise and cinnamon are prominent, providing a warm, spicy character that melds beautifully with the complex botanicals of the gin. The vanilla adds a subtle sweetness in the background, enhancing the overall flavor without dominating.
In terms of texture, Christmas Gin is smooth, with the glitter dust adding a unique, almost magical quality to the drink. This texture, combined with the blend of spices and botanicals, creates a pleasing mouthfeel that is neither too heavy nor too light.
The finish of Christmas Gin is clean and satisfying, leaving a lingering taste of the spices and a hint of the gin's botanicals. The spiciness of the star anise and cinnamon gently fades, allowing the subtle sweetness and herbal notes of the gin to come through, making for a balanced and enjoyable conclusion to the drink.
- Gin
- 30% ABV
Shake well before opening for shimmer.