This Candy Cane Martini cocktail is a refreshing twist on a holiday favorite, combining the cool taste of mint with zesty lime and the festive sweetness of candy cane. It's easy to make and is sure to be a hit. The ingredients are simple, and the steps are straightforward, making it a perfect choice for adding a special touch to your holiday fare. Whether you're a cocktail enthusiast or trying something new, this recipe won't disappoint.Â
- In the copper mug, muddle the fresh mint leaves and lime wedges to release their flavors.
- Fill the mug with ice cubes.
- Pour 50 ml of Candy Cane Martini over the ice.
- Add 150 ml of ginger beer to the mug.
- Stir the mixture well to combine the flavors.
- Garnish with a mint sprig and a candy cane, placing the candy cane in the mug or on the rim as desired.
- Serve immediately and enjoy!
There you have it: a Candy Cane Martini that's both festive and flavorful, a great choice for spicing up your holiday menu. It's a delightful mix of traditional and novel flavors that come together beautifully in this drink. We hope you enjoy making and sipping this delightful cocktail.